Printable Faith Quotes

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These printable faith quotes are the perfect reminder to keep the faith, and that God is mindful of us.

Here are a few more faith + inspiration ideas – Leap of Faith Printable, Ask of God + Faith Mini Pot Wrappers, and Be Believing + Happy Printable

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A sweet friend of ours, and a member of our church’s congregation, had a sudden heart attack the day after Christmas and passed away in the arms of his sweetheart. The following Sunday, I talked with his widow and I was amazed and so touched by this woman’s great faith. She is such an inspiration! As she spoke, her words were tender but so powerful and it reminded me of a quote I read several months ago about having a foundation of faith in a talk called “Mountains to Climb” by Henry B. Eyring. He said:

If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts, the power to endure will crumble.

– Henry B. Eyring

When asked how she was doing, my sweet friend replied, “I haven’t crashed yet!” Though sad, alone, and still very weepy, she spoke about feeling the presence of angels in her home and the spirit being so strong and comforting. Her faith is what sustains her right now. It is humbling to see her not only press forward, but to grow and learn in the process. She truly feels the love of our God. I hope that whatever trials I am faced with in my life, I can meet them with a faith as strong as hers.

“If we have faith… the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing.”

– Henry B. Eyring

Whether your faith is in Christ, or in another power- strengthen it, nurture it and hold onto it tight.To anyone who might be struggling right now, my hope is that you will find comfort and peace with the promise in the words below. I believe them to be true with all my heart!

We never need to feel that we are alone or unloved in the Lord’s service because we never are. We can feel the love of God. The Savior has promised angels on our left and our right to bear us up. And He always keeps His word.

-Henry B. Eyring

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  1. I had heard about this family through my brother and sister-in law who were down visiting for the holidays. I can’t even imagine. I’m amazed and humbled by her faith. I only hope I could stay as strong. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.