How to Make Ice Candles
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Transform your walkway into a winter wonderland with these easy DIY Ice Candles.

One of the (only) good things about living in a freezing cold area is that things like these ice candles are easy to make and they actually stay frozen!
Last Thanksgiving my aunt had these stacked along the entry to her house. The glowing, sparkly wet candles looked so amazing! She used large gallon containers with smaller tin cans inside them, but you can literally make them in any size you want! I practiced with my daughter using an angel food cake pan, and I love the way it turned out! Here’s how to make your own ice candles –
Ice Candles Tutorial
- angel food cake pan*
- fresh cranberries + greenery, optional
- water
- candles
*I got my pan at a thrift store for $3. Amazon sells them too, but make sure you buy a pan that does not have a removable bottom. Here’s a good option, here’s a bad option.
- First, fill your pan with cold water. Add cranberries and greenery if you’d like. I think it looks pretty to have the berries float to the top, but if you want them more evenly dispersed, you can freeze your water in layers.
- Freeze the water by placing it outside (if you live in freezing climates like I do!) -OR- you can place it in your freezer.
- Once frozen, remove the block of ice from the pan. You can loosen the ice by tipping the pan upside down and running some warm water around it.
- Lastly, place a small candle at the bottom and you’re done!
They look pretty during the day AND night!
Place the ice candles on your porch steps or on the railing of your deck. They’ll make such a statement! (I’m excited to make more!)
This is so cute! I will have to try this!
This is such a neat idea!
What a cute idea, and we've got plenty of snow to try it, ha! 🙂